פגיעות בחיי הדת של יהודי מרוקו בשנות ה-70 של המאה ה-19 -אליעזר בשן

2ממזרח שמש עד מבואו

10 באפריל 1873. תזכיר משותף של שגרירי בריטניה וצרפת במארוקו לסולטאן מוחמד ה-4, על רקע מידע שהגיע אליהם מיהודים באירופה, בדבר אילוצם של יהודים ע״י מושלי רבאט ומכנאס לבצע עבודות בשבת. הם מבקשים שיוציא הוראות למושלים לבל ייאלצו יהודים לעבור על מצוות דתם.

FO 99/154

Morocco 10th April 1873

 Memorandum of tyrannical acts towards the Jews of Rabat and Mequinez,

by the Governors of those towns

The elders of the Hebrew communities in Europe, have brought under the notice of the undersigned, acts of the Governors of Rabat and Mequinez, which they are persuaded are in opposition to His Majesty's well known justice towards His Majesty's subjects, whether Mohammedan or Jew. It is declared that the authorities have compelled the Jews to work on their Sabbath, and thus to disobey the laws of God as revealed to them through Seedna Moses. The Governor of Rabat has compelled certain Jews, to salt on their Sabbath the heads of some rebels sent to that town to be exposed.

His Majesty the Sultan, and His Majesty's ancestors, have always desired that the Jews should have full freedom in the exercise of their religion. This act of tyranny has been published in the journals throughout Europe, and has left a very unfavorable impression on the minds of Foreign Governments, as it is supposed that the Governor of Rabat acted under the authority of His Majesty. As the undersigned desire that their respective Governments should not alter, in any way, the opinion they entertain of His Majesty's sentiments of justice towards his Hebrew subjects, they have thought it their duty to bring this fact under His Majesty's notice, and they are persuaded not only that a severe reprimand will be given to the Governor of Rabat for his arbitrary conduct, but that orders will be given to all governors at the towns, not to compel the Jews to infringe the tenets of their religion.

It will be a further satisfaction to the undersigned if the Sultan will cause a letter to be addressed severally to them, by one of His Majesty's Ministers, expressing His Majesty's disapproval of such acts, and stating that orders have been sent to His Majesty's authorities in the sense they have desired; as this communication would be transmittted to their respective Governments.

S(igne)d C. Tissot & J.H. Drummond Hay

הירשם לבלוג באמצעות המייל

הזן את כתובת המייל שלך כדי להירשם לאתר ולקבל הודעות על פוסטים חדשים במייל.

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