פגיעות בחיי הדת של יהודי מרוקו בשנות ה-70 של המאה ה-19
פגיעות בחיי הדת של יהודי מרוקו בשנות ה-70 של המאה ה-19
10 באפריל 1873. שגרירי בריטניה וצרפת במארוקו פנו לסולטאן, שיתן הוראה למושל מאזאגאן שיחזיר את יום השוק משבת ליום שני כפי שהיה בעבר
Marocco 10th April 1873 Memorandum Kaid Doe and the Poor Jews of Mazagan
The poor Jews of Mazagan are in great distress in consequence of Governor Doe having prevented them from attending the market on El Isnin ( Monday) in Oolad Dweeb. The undersigned knowing His Majesty the Sultan's well known clemency and regard for his poorer subjects, do therefore intercede in their behalf, and beg that His Majesty may be pleased to direct Kaid Doe to reestablish the market on Monday as it has always been during His Majesty's present reign and in the time of His Majesty's ancestors.
S(igne)d C. Tissot
& J.H. Drummond Hay
24 באפריל 1873. מזכירו של הסולטאן לשגריר הבריטי. עונה לתלונתו שמושלי רבאט ומכנאס אילצו יהודים לעבוד בשבת. הסולטאן לא ידע על כך, נזף במושלים והזהירם לבל יחזרו על כך.
24th April 1873
Translation of a letter addressed by the Secretary of the Sultan Seed Drees Ben Drees to Sir John Drummond Hay, dated 24th April 1873 To the esteemed and judicious Minister Plenipotentiary at the Shereefian
Court (After compliments) The statement you have made regarding the complaints of the Jews that the Governor of Rabat compelled them to work upon Saturday and to salt heads on that day; and that the governor of Mequinez also compels the Jews to work on a Saturday, has been made known to our Lord the Sultan. His Majesty has replied that he had no knowledge of this and had the Jews complained to his Shereefian presence, His Majesty would have afforded them redress, and He, may God glorify him, has written therefore to the aforementioned two Governors to reprimand them on this account, and he has ordered that they should never repeat such conduct; and this order is in accordance with the orders which have been repeatedly given to all governors, as it our practise (of doing justice) with all men Finished 25th Sefar 1290 (signed) Drees Ben Mohammed Ben Drees
24 באפריל 1873. שגריר בריטניה במארוקו לשר החוץ. מזכיר את התזכיר המשותף שלו עם שגריר צרפת בקשר לאילוצם של יהודי רבאט ומכנאס לבצע עבודות בשבת. מתייחס גם לנושא העברת השוק מיום שני לשבת במאזאגאן
Marocco 24 April 1873
The Right Hon(orable) The Earl Granville K.G. My Lord,
With reference to my despatch No 18 of the 13d March transmitting a letter I had addressed under flying seal to Mr Cremieux, in reply to the communication I had received from him regarding the tyrannical conduct of certain Governors in Marocco towards the Hebrew population, I have the honor to transmit herewith the translation of Memoranda which the French Minister and I presented ( No 2 Jews of Rabat & Mequinez) to this Government on the subject and of the identic replies we have received.
As Mr Tissot will no doubt have made known to Mr Cremieux through the French Government the result of our joint representations, I have not thought it necessary to write again to that gentleman. With regard to the conduct of Governor Doe, I was informed by Seed Moosa, to whom I had made known the marked hostility and fanaticism evinced by the functionary towards Christians and Jews and of his inattention to Mr Tissot and myself, when we passed through the district he governs, that an officer of rank with a troop of twenty five horsemen had been despatched with a letter from the Sultan reprimanding him severely, demanding explanation for his conduct and intimating that he would be removed from office if there was a repetition of such misconduct. Kaid Doe will not only have to renumerate the Officers and troopers who convey to him the message, but I am told that he will be required to pay a very heavy price to the government for his misconduct, which I trust may have a salutary effect, not only as regards himself, but also upon other governors who may hear of his disgrace. The complaint alleged to have been against the Jews, is for disorderly conduct at the market of Dweeb, and was occasioned, I understand, by one of the numerous Hebrew subjects of the Sultan, who are protected by the United States Consul General at Tangier, having infringed the market regulations and indulged in offensive language towards the Moorish authorities and Mohammedans in general.
I have the honor to be, with the highest respect, My Lord,
Your Lordship's most obedient humble servant J.H. Drummond Hay
25 באפריל 1873. תשובת הסולטאן למכתב המשותף של שגרירי בריטניה וצרפת בקשר להתנהגות המושל כלפי יהודי מאזאגאן
Marocco 25 April 1873
Translation Reply of the Sultan to the Joint Representation made by the British and French Ministers regarding the conduct of Kaid Doe towards the Jews of Mazagan.
With regard to the complaint made by the poor Jews of Mazagan that the Market held weekly at Owlad Deweeb had been changed from the Monday to the Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath, His Majesty replied that this market is established especially for the benefit of the "Kabyle", or Tribe, of the provinces, and therefore the governor is justified in selecting the day which will best meet the wishes of the "Kabyle". Moreover it had been previously reported to His Majesty that the day had been changed in consequence of the irregular proceedings of certain Jews( N.B. These Jews, informed were natives, taken irregularly by the United States General under his protection & thus exempted from Moorish Jurisdiction) of bad conduct, who had acted in a disorderly manner contrary to the Requestions, established by the government. Nevertheless His Majesty will cause enquiry to be made by impartial persons as to the real cause of the alteration of the day and if it is proved to His Majesty that the Kabyle had complained of the prejudice which had been caused to them, and had therefore requested that the day should be altered there will be no grounds for changing it again, and thus compelling them to submit to what is injurious to them, but if it should appear that the act has emaneted from the governor alone, the market day shall be reestablished as it was before.