נספחים אודות פעילותה של סטלה קורקוס – סידני קורקוס
נספח מס' 1 Annexe 1
ביקורו של לקוסט (Lacoste) הקונסול הצרפתי
Je me fais un plaisir de déclarer que j’ai emporté de la visite que j’ai faite à l’école dirigée par Mrs. Corcos, l ímpression la plus favorable.
Je n’ai que des éloges à faire pour la bonne tenue des élèves, et la méthode d’enseignement adoptée par la maîtresse me paraît très simple et de nature à frapper l’esprit des enfants.
On ne saurait trop louer le zèle de Madame Corcos, son énergie et sa patience.
Elle a accompli une oeuvre de civilisation et à ce titre elle mérite les encouragements et les félicitations de tous.
Mogador le 5 Août 1885
Le Consul de France
- Lacoste
נספח מס' 2
Annexe 2
ביקורו של בלדווין E.J.Baldwin המיסיונר האמריקאי
It is with pleasure I record the decidedly favorable impression I received of Mrs. Corcos School for Jewish girls in Mogador on the occasion of a recent visit. I regard her success as truly wonderful in view Of her work being carried on in a language which is not the native tongue of her scholars. To both teach them the language in which alone their studies are conducted and to so acquaint them with the rudiment of knowledge, in so short a time, sufficiently her talents and methods.
Her difficulties have been and are exceptionally great and must be taken into account in weighing the success she has achieved.
As a fellow countryman of Mrs.Corcos it is with pleasure that the methods of teaching that have, in this school, proved so efficient are American, and are evidently well adapted to the quick perceptive powers that she speaks of finding in these native children. It is evident that the help and blessing of the god of her fathers, of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is with her. May it so continue and increase!
Mogador, May 23d 1888
E.J. Baldwin
American Missionary
נספח מס' 3 Annex 3
ביקורו של Maggian המנהל האדמיניסטרטיבי של הקונסוליה הצרפתית במוגאדור
Depuis mon arrive a Mogador j'ai eu a différentes reprises, l óccasion de visiter l'école si intelligemment dirige par Madame Corcos et j'ai toujours emporte de nos visites une excellente impression tant au point de vue de l'ínstruction des élèves, que de leur bonne tenue. Non seulement Mme Corcos mérite les divers témoignages de satisfaction qui lui sont soumis dans ce livre, mais elle a aussi, a mon avis, des droits réels a la reconnaissance de toute la communaute 'Israelite de Mogador pour les sacrifices qu’elle impose dans le but de secourir et de venir en aide .aux nombreux enfants necessiteux qui sont confie a sa
Le 19 Novembre 1888
Gérant du Consulat de France
נספח מס' 4
Annexe 4
ביקורו של ג'. בנשימול , מנהל בית הספר "כל ישראל חברים" במוגאדור.
Dan l ápres-midi d"hier 'jái assiste'aux examens qui ont eu lieu a l'école que dirige Madame Corcos.
J constate'avec une agréable plaisir que les élèves ont bien répondu a toutes les questions qui leur ont été' posées' sur toutes les matières du programme.
Je n'ai pas e'te'moins frappe de la propreté et de la bonne tenue des élèves. Aussi, c ést avec une véritable satisfaction que je félicite sincèrement Madame Corcos des brillants re'sultas qu'elle a obtenus.
Mogador, le 24 Mars 1893
- Benchimol
Directeur de lEcole de L'Alliance
Israelite Universelle a Mogador
נספח מס' 5
ביקורו של רקטור וויטוואל מאנגליה
I visited Mrs. Corcos School on Nov.23 and I was very much surprised to find such an institution here in Mogador. The children were very neat and clean in their personal appearance, their work in their books very exact and tidy and from a short general paper that I set the two head classes they have a very considerable knowledge of English and other subjects. They must have been well taught to produce such results.
December 8 1900
Joseph Jacob
Rector of Whitwell
נספח מס' 6
Annexe 6
ביקורו של סגן קונסול בריטניה מיידן (Madden)
Mrs. Corcos's school gave a very successful entertainment in Mogador on Thursday evening Augt.31st .The room was prettily decorated and a stage was created for the performance, which included piano playing ,songs and recitation, and the children play "Cinderella". The piano solos were by the elder pupils who have been taught by Miss Beck. The younger children entered very heartily into the spirit of the songs and recitations which were all in English, apparently quite grasping their meaning the play was cleverly rendered by the children who knew their parts to perfection: The principal actors being two little girls Miss Reina Bensaude and Miss Viva Corcos who took the parts of "prima"and "Cinderella" Respectively, with much ability. The behavior of the children on and off the stage was excellent and great credit is due to Mrs. Corcos and Miss Beck for this happy result, witch was the outcome of much untiring labour. The entertainment was very much enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience.
Mogador Augt. 1902
Archibald M. Madden
British Vice-Consul
נספח מס' 7
ביקורו של לוגן ( (Loganמנהל ב"ס בדבלין (אירלנד)
As a teacher myself I'm interested in education. Have had the great pleasure in visiting these school, testing the question on certain subjects and listening theirs intelligent answering.
All good things do not come from the British Isles. There is a chance yet for Mogador.
Aug 13, 1910
Rodlemins College
נספח מס' 8
ביקורה של משלחת מלונדון (אנגליה) ודבלין (אירלנד)
On Aug. 27 th I had the pleasure of visiting the Jewish school for
Girls in Mogador. The work done in different classes seemed to me quite excellent so in some respects superior as that which is found in our English Elementary Schools .Evidently these schools must be exercising a valuable influence for good in this city.
George Gardner
Vicar of All Saints: Cheltenham & Vice
Chairman of the Cheltenham
George Ohlson –of the Livery of the City of
William Cheras-Roche Dublin, Ireland
נספח מס' 9
Annexe 9
ביקורו של ג'ונסטון ((Johnstone סגן הקונסול הבריטי במוגאדור
I visited the school of the Anglo Jewish Association which is under the superintendence of Mrs. Moses Corcos in this town. My visit having taken place on August 4 Th. I put questions to the pupils and heard them at their studies. It appeared to me that the knowledge displayed by the pupils would compare favorably with that displayed by the majority of pupils of a school of a similar size in England.
The pupils possessed a good English pronunciation, spelt well, and had an excellent idea of English History, both political and constitutional and a surprising grasp of Geography.
British Consulate
11 Oct. 1910 H.B. Johnstone
British Vice Consul
נספח מס' 10 Annexe
ביקורו של ברום (Broome) סגן קונסול בריטניה בקזבלנקה
Our visit to Mrs. Corcos School for young girls of the Jewish community of Mogador has given us great pleasure.
We were surprised at the high standard of general knowledge displayed by the girls whom we examined and can but endorse the commentatory reports made in 1885,1886,1891,1902 and 1910 by successive British Consular officers at Mogador.
The self devotion and perseverance of Mrs. Corcos ,her daughters and Miss Beck in their efforts to educate and enlighten the girls of the Jewish community have had moral results witch are beginning to be felt in this town.
Mogador, November 26th 1915
R.H. Broome
British Vice Consul
Casablanca (on leave)
נספח מס' 11
Annexe 11
ביקורו של מאיר קורקוס קונסול ארה"ב במוגדור
This is to certify that I have had the pleasure of visiting today the girl's English school of this town under the headship of Mrs., Corcos and consider it my duty to declare that the progress noted in the five months that this institution is in existence is most satisfactory; I have been much pleased with the singing, sewing, reading, writing, and the general education shown by the scholars, leading them to be faithful wives and affectionate mothers.
This establishment and that of the boy's Jews school in this town, which is mainly supported by the board of London Jews, of which several boys have, thought the education imported to them, found them honest living in England and abroad, foretell that the growing generation will be truly ranked a civilized one, as proved by the intelligence of the learns and the method of instruction adopted by their teachers.
Mrs. Corcos deserves all praise and the institution all possible support from those who love education.
Meyer Corcos
U.S. Consular Agent
Mogador 12 December 1885
נספח מס' 12
Annexe 12
ביקורו של ארנסט גולנץ מלונדון
This morning I paid a visit to the school of the Anglo-Jewish Association in Mogador. I was very much impressed with all I saw.
The stack of education amongst the Jewish children here has been a revelation tough from what I have seen, the knowledge display is greatly in excess of that in the English Elementary schools in London.
The general knowledge is of a very high standard while the history, geography writing compares …………. Favorably with children in the English schools of …………… ……..
The discipline also is very good. The children seem interested in all their work.
3 November 1910
Ernest M. Gollancz
נספח מס' 13
Annexe 13
ביקורו של המיסיונר זרביב (Zerbib)
Ayant visite pour la première fois cet etablissment scolaire de Mrs. Corcos, j'ai eu la satisfaction de constater que les élèves ont réalise de réel progrès, grâce au zèle et au dévouement de la directrice. En félicitant Mrs. Corcos et miss Durand des résultants quelles ont obtenues je les engage a persévérer dans la tache civilatrice qu'elles se ont imposes avec patience.
"Be strong and of a good courage, be not afraid neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with thee. Josh I/9
Mogador 2 Aout 1886
T.E. Zerbib